
Can you give me suggestions for an interview with a mayor?

by  |  earlier

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What topic and kinds of questions should I ask? I am about to interview a mayor of a small rural town for a project. The interview should be light and a bit candid. No deep and serious political stuff like his views on corruption or who the next president should be...

Can you give me suggestions for a specific topic and the kinds of questions I should ask?




  1. First question:

    Ask him/her if he/she knows any good jokes that he/she thinks your readers or listeners would like.

    I'm serious.

    His/her answer will tell you a lot about him/her as a person.

  2. Ask the mayor, What plans do you have for the coming near

    future for the community.and what do you think should be on

    top of your list..

  3. just be yourself. act natural

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