
Can you give me three reasons why healthy enviroment and healthy economy is good?

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????????????? why is it good?????????????




  1. That's actually kinda funny. First, if there was pollution all around us, we would become contaminated and have more diseases than already exist. Second...well, that's basically explains it all.

  2. melting of ice caps

    (if all ice melted if ur in a coastal city its going to be under water 50 miles in to the country)

    2.we dont suficate ourselves

    3.pollutants in water will kill all fish and thats about 50% of food eaten is from the sea

  3. 1. Healthy environment is good because it helps keep people healthy. People get sick more in polluted environments.

    2. Healthy economy gives people jobs they need. Poor economy = not enough jobs.

    3. Healthy environment looks better, makes people feel good and happy to live there. Same reason people like hiking in the mountains, and going to parks.

  4. (1)Both help people and cultures worldwide prosper(2)the elements of life would perish without them. (3) Poorer nations need a break...... donalore

  5. Healthy environment is needed:

        1.    For emotional Support, without beautiful things to look at, there is no hope,

        2.    For nutritive Support, without good environment, food will fail, no food, no eating.

        3.     For recreational support, just try swimming in a sewage processing pool, some people actually do, yuk.

    Health Economy:

        1. What constitutes a healthy economy> the number of people who are able to live above the survival level.  the higher the number the lower the crime will be.

        2. The stronger the economy, the more we can feel at ease to laugh and smile.

        3. The stronger the economy, the freer the people are, the weakest economies will always have the highest militant or dictatorship control of the people.

  6. Live.



  7. people need food to live ,money to live well,and health to live long

    strange but true

    if we dont have any of the things you mention we liken it to h**l

    if the Environment is beautifull and everyone is well of fat and happy ,we compare it to paradise

    ask yourself this profound question

    what would you prefer????

    just look back in history

    a nation´s succes was related to the condition of the soil

    when the soil was gone so was the civilization

    there are examples all over the world

    in the middle East Asia .Africa ,and Mexico

    Ecology and Economy walk hand in hand .

    so if the Environment is healthy the rivers flow ,the soil is rich,there is Potable water

    ,the agriculture is possible and the towns that surround it can trade with the products and buy with the money

    and the whole place becomes succesfull

    the moment the Environment is in trouble ,so is the economy for many reasons

    for example in the Mexican town that i live ,the municipality has not enough money to clean the rubbish

    people are sick with ear,stomach and eye complaints related to poluted water

    the hospitals doctors etc cost money.

    so the contamination is a drain on resources

    when the agriculture suffers because of deforrestation and desertification,loss of soil due to erosian or lack of water

    the vegetables and meat become expensive and the quality goes down so that it has no market value

    with farming in trouble many people do not have jobs,on the farms ,and the towns have more unemployment as well,the crime rate goes up

    and so it goes on

  8. 1. Healthy environment supports us physically.

    2. Healthy economy supports us monitarily and gives us hope.

    3. Too much smoke and I won't be able to see your avatar's beautiful eyes ;-)

  9. I don't think either can exist on this planet.

    Whatever they are complaing about this week.. if you go back 100 years they were complaining about things like horse manure and flies in the streets.. 100 years more and raw sewage in the street.. the world has never been pristine.  

    Nobody ever has enough money.. its just the way of it.

  10. I'll give you one...It's good because it's crucial for human existence. In other words, possible extinction; bad environment equals a health crisis. Bad economy equals struggle with possible violent outcomes, for example, looting, murder, and stealing. When people are desperate in the economic factor they make desperate choices to survive.

  11. 1. Who wants a bad economy (except for the imperialists regarding other countries?)

    2. If you care, you don't want so many species going extinct. If you don't care, then you don't care; why not just let them live on?

    3. You really don't care about 1 billion people not getting water turning to 3 billion people in just some years, about extreme heat, desserts growing, a lot more insects, diseases spreading faster...? You really don't care seeing so much life dying?

    --------------Where I live, I'm seeing it.

  12. When you have a healthy environment, you are not worried as much, you enjoy everyday more, you grow up a better, and well balanced person.

    When you have a health economy, you find work more readily, your wages are higher, you live better as you can afford it.

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