
Can you give me tips how to save our ocean?

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please give me 10 tips how to save our ocean




  1. Just one!- Don't eat the whales, dolphins and fish which reside there...Except the seaweed which is yummy :)

    And another-Never, ever polute the oceans with faecal or chemical waste or waste of any kind!

  2. no way man... come up with them yourself

  3. rivers are joined with ocean, we have to treat water before putting it into them,  

    however saving ocean to became toxic.

  4. ...By saving the whales.

    ...Save the whales.....collect them all.

  5. you can clean it,you can throw your garbage in the garbage can ,you canStart by eating the right fish or not eating fish at all. This is probably the easiest. You yield the greatest power when you make simple decisions at the table. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch makes this easy with downloadable charts to carry with you for every region in the U.S. With respect to fishing, Conservation Magazine also lists 10 ways to save the ocean. The list is comprised of essays by leading conservationists.

    Donate a little money to some good advocacy organizations. Oceana and Marine Conservation Biology Institute are my favorites.

    Give a little money to education. Often overlooked but vital, education inspires and those inspired conserve. One option is to go to Donor's Choose and pick a marine-based project. Another organization is Ocean's Wide. It's mission, to introduce students to marine science through technology, empowers them to learn, grow and thrive through experiential education.

    Educate yourself. Try a copy of Carl Safina's Song For a Blue Ocean for both a source of great information and narrative. On the more technical side, Elliot Norse, authors two excellent books, Global Marine Biological Diversity and Marine Conservation Biology. Oceana and MCBI also have several publications free to download.

    Stop using both fertilizers and pesticides on your gardens and lawns. Whether you live along the coast or in North Dakota it will all make it eventually to the ocean. Nitrogen and phosphorous from fertilizers is likely responsible for the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone at the base of the Mississippi River (Reduce plastic consumption which is since plastics are likely to make into the ocean. Seek out foods and items that have reduced or recyclable packaging. The bonus is that you will also be cutting back on your consumption of petroleum products.

    Participate in or organize a beach clean up day. Most coastal communities sponsor days through the year to pick up trash at local beaches. If you can't find one in your community start one.

    Unless things significantly change, stay off cruise ships.

  6. -Snip the plastic rings on the 6Pac of coke

    -Pick up litter and trash and place them in proper bins at the beach

    -Donate to greenpeace ( :)


    :) Little things like that can really add up.

  7. the Ocean ?   (the Ocean(s) are doing just fine... the cycle of the Earth that has been going on for over 4.5 billion years will continue on...  when this Earth gets tired of "us" it will "flick-us-off" like a flea on a dogs back and the cycle will continue again till the Sun goes super nova and dries it all up; unless the Galaxy "Canis Minor" collides with "us" in about 2 billion years...  (enjoy the ride).

  8. 1) treat pollution before entering the ocean

    2) restrict tourism area on costal sites to avoid humaninterventions.

    3) ensure strict safety compliance for ships particularly oil tankers

  9. Next time you are at the beach don't pee in the water and of course never-never popo

  10. When you throw something "away" ask yourself where "away" is. There are at present vast plastic trash flotillas in the oceans, one between California and the  islands of Hawaii is reputedly the size of Texas. Find out where the garbage you throw out "goes" when it leaves with garbage collection.

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