
Can you give me your opinions about the environment for a project that I am doing?

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Could I have your input on the following questions? Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks!

Do you consider the conservation movement to be failing or succeeding?

If it is failing, what do you think is the most significant reason it is failing?

Out of television, radio, newspaper/magazines, the internet, or word-of-mouth, which do you think has the most influence over peoples' opinion about the environment (opinions such as what problems exist, if any; the severity of those problems; what we can do about it, etc)?

Assume for a moment that significant environmental issues exist, and that progress is failing. Which of the following would you say is most responsible for holding back progress on environmental issues: econmic, political, or social factors, or other (please explain)?

Finally, I already asked what influences peoples' opinions about the environment. Where do you personally get the most information (good or bad) about the environment?

Thank you very much for your help!




  1. #1. Somewhat successful but starting to fail and will fail in the long run.

    #2. It will fail because its is misleading and not based in real  science. People are beginning to see the 1/2 truths and outright fabrication of their facts.

    #3. The TV news is the easiest way to spread lies. They don't check facts. They live for the sound bite.

    #4. We can make the assumption but why? If the issue really existed, it would not fail.  Capitalism would prevail and correct the situation.

    #5. Its hard to find info on the environment. Most of what you see anywhere comes from people on the Algore payroll or the earth religion crown. Religion does not require facts. Its based in faith. To get other peoples money they will create facts to support their faith.

  2. failing because people are too scared to talk about the REAL CAUSE of all the problems

    I get my info from all sources..

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