
Can you give mne some tips to making STRAIGHT a's in all on my classes other than studying.....?

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i need to find out how to make straight a's in all of my classes. im going to the 8th grade.... i also need to find a grid so i can record all of my graded papers for each of my classes,so i know my average at all times instead of asking the teacher




  1. I'm sorry but other than cheating which is completely unfair on the people that try hard the only way to achieve good grades is too study hard and earn them yourself.

  2. Hooray for you for wanting to get good grades!!!

    Some easy ways to get better grades...

    1.  Pay attention in class, don't talk to people around you.

    2.  Keep your notebook neat and organized.

    3.  Have a homework journal that you write down your HW in, as soon as the teacher tells you.

    4.  Do you HW everynight, and put it in your notebook so you can find it the next day when its due.

    5.  Read through your notes everynight, and read any chapters you covered in class.

    6.  Study for quizes nightly, don't try to cram everything in at one time.  

    7.  If you review nightly, then studying for tests should not take that long, because you will just be reviewing the material, not learning it again.

    8.  Stay positive and make sure you have fun in your life.

  3. pay attention ALL the time in class

  4. Get a tutor. Ask the teachers a lot of questions after class.

    Get lots of help with homework. And study!

    Also, remember to relax.  

  5. 1. ask for extra help, come in early and stay late reviewing material with the teacher who can help and make sure you have the hang of things.

    2. do extra credit, even if you dont think you need it.

    3. pay attention in class, dont dose off or talk to your frineds try to relate to the lesson

    4. have a study group with your frineds twice a week ,, trust me it will be much better than looking oveer material by yourself,, you could even incoroporate a party into it,, just make sure you spend some time studying.

    5. play educational games online, help increase your brain functions such as crosswords, brainteaser, etc.

    6. most importantly stay encouraged just try to have fun dont stress out if you get a bad grade theres always the time to improve it.

    for your grades use the program microsoft ecel you just enter in all your grades and you can average or do whatever you want with them,,  you can even print them out easily.

    you can do it :]

  6. On review days before tests, the teacher will ALWAYS tell you whats important. She/He will hint on kinds of questions that will come, so you have to pay attention. Don't miss any homework and do every extra credit work.

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