
Can you give some tips on how to be a good libero?

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So ive been playing volleyball in highschool for 4 years now and i have always been the setter, but my passing is good and now im ready to venture out into other aspects of the sport. Im now a libero too and my school plays really good teams. I need some tips on how to read players, dig hard spikes, and give money passes on jump serves to my setter. Please help.




  1. ok so i am a libero are some things ive learned..........

    always call the ball (really loud)

    always go for it even if it isnt really yours

    dive even if u think u wont get it

    *****ALWAYS dig deep...when they are hitting because it is easier to move forward than backward am i rite*****

    practice practice practice!!!

    *good luck and i hope i helped

  2. to read someone, look at their arm. most players swing straight, so it is easy to see where they will go. for digging a spike, don't jerk your arms around. hold them steady. keep the platform angled high, so the ball goes nice and high and gives the setter plenty of time. if you have a low ceiling, then take some off the hit by pulling your arms down a little after the ball touches your arms, not before, but a little bit after. to dime a jump serve, stick the pass. if you jerk your arms or poke at the ball, you will shank it. keep your arms angled high so the ball goes up, not out. move your feet to the ball, and watch for a jump serve with a cut (side and top spin). don't be afraid of the ball, it can't hurt you that bad. good luck.

  3. Some big keys to being a libero are....

    1. You want EVERY possible pass and dig on your side of the court.

    2. Watch the opposing setters hands and body language. You will see most setters compress or squat if they are setting way outside, and barely move at all for a quick or shoot set.

    3. Learn to always be in motion - if you have your feet set or are not up on your toes, you will lose that extra few seconds you need to get to a ball in time.

    4. Watch the game every chance you get - search it on You tube and watch how some of the better teams use the libero...

    Good luck!

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