
Can you give someone a check if the dates are different?

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my mom gave me a check for shool about 2 weeks ago and I still havn't given it to them because I forgot. Is that ok or will it be rejected?




  1. It's still okay. The date on the check is just the date that your mom said it was okay to pay them the money.


  2. I work for the bank and I can tell you that unless the check is really large and an unusual amount for your mom to write then the bank won't even look at the date. They are trying to eliminate post dated checks, so for the most part they don't even look anymore. But if they do look checks are good for six months.

  3. Yes, that's fine. The date on a check is the date the check was written. It's not like an expiration date.

    Most checks are good for anywhere from six months to a year after they're written. Some banks will accept them even after that.

  4. checks are usually good for 90 days

  5. It is good

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