
Can you give us a clue as to wots going on?

by  |  earlier

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Right, i've posted a similar question to this but apart from the fact my situation is constantly changing i would like more opinions if poss. 3 weeks yesterday my hubby (married 2 years, together for 22 years with 2 kids 7 and 11) told me he doesn't love me anymore but doesnt know why and left the family home to stay with his brother, (yes he is deffo there) . This came right out of the blue but I have been accusing him of cheating for god knows how long with no reason just me and my insecurities. I've been to the docs and am now on happy pills to try and sort myself out. Now 1 minute hubby says of course he loves me and tells me i know i'm his girl and there is hope for us, next he says he doesnt know if he loves me or if there is any hope for us. He kept kissing me on the cheek or head but has now started kissing me on the lips again and stays over at home but in seperate rooms. Apart from this he seems to want everything as normal eg asking my opinion about work, wether he should do overtime, telling me he will have a good wage this month and should we do some xmas shopping. What i'm trying to say is he doesnt seem to want anything major to change such as changing our joint bank account to seperate ones, also he has just been promoted and told me that he will have a fantastic pension and that if he dies before me i will get a hefty lump sum. I said if we break up that i will not be entitled to this and he just says that it is for me and he is not changing it. I probably sound like i'm more interested in the money but i'm just trying to explain that i don't think it makes sense in our present situation, if you could tell me what you think peeps plz,




  1. Mid life crisis and wants his cake and be able to eat it.

    He's got you where he wants you - at his beck and call and waiting in the background while he feathers his nest.

    Kick him out - enough is enough

  2. The good thing is that you have admitted you have a problem and that you have been accusing him without any reason at all.  You need to sort yourself out.  I know you are taking "happy pills", but they don't do the work on its own.  You need to see a counsellor and work through your real issues.  It might not even be connected to him.

    You be happy first, and then he will come back and both will be happy.

    I wish you all the luck!

  3. Your hubby has classic symptoms of  going through a mid life crisis. The the thing   that give sit  away is  indecision and  inability to explain how  he feels and  mind changing .

    Its  probable  that  hubby is stressed out by  work  and by the  situation that  you are in. From what you  say it seems that  your   relationship isn't  yet over  but  just strained  you might do  well  by just sitting back  and  seeing  how things develop.   It might  help  if you  get  him to go to the  docs,  and  perhaps  later for  just the  two of you to go away for a relaxing weekend.

  4. he is keeping his options open - he has a bad case of the grass is greener so tell him to go and get his own place and call it a day but stop letting him string you along.

  5. Some partners are happy living together as friends but in separate bedrooms.

  6. You have to ask him to make a decision.

  7. I think people treat you how you allow them to. Tell your husband what you want from him and what you expect. Stop being insecure be sure about yourself do not accuse unless you have proof and stop staying in separate rooms it makes no sense that you are married and living like this bring some spice back in to your marriage. try this link

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