
Can you give your opinion on a hypothetical situation?

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Premise #1: God exists, and He is all powerful and omnipresent, He is all-knowing in every sense except He does not know exactly what is going to happen in the future, thereby granting humanity absolute free will. Because God is all-powerful, and because he is responsible for human fallibility. He is only offended by actions performed by humans that harm other humans.

Premise #2: The only human actions that offend God are actions that cause harm to other humans. All other actions in the Bible that are considered 'sin' were human inventions. Sinners are people who have deprived other humans of life, liberty, or property, those who have been deprived are referred to as Victims.

Premise #3: Because they are the ones who are actually harmed, it is the responsibility of the Victims of the Sinners to judge whether the Sinners are sent to Heaven or h**l. The Victims do not pass final judgment until after they die.

Premise #4: Heaven is nothing more than sitting in the presence of God, conversely, h**l is nothing more than God's absence.

Premise #5: Sitting in the presence of God is the most amazing, beautiful, fulfilling feeling a human soul can experience. Having experienced this feeling, Victims no longer feel any ill-will to the Sinners, and they are all able to forgive the Sinners who harmed them in life.

Premise #6: The Victims who also sinned in life are all sent to Heaven, their sins having been forgiven by their previous Victims.

Conclusion: Everybody goes to Heaven.




  1. it sounds good that everyone would go to heaven but then people would probably commit more crimes since they knew they were going to heaven

    unless they didnt know they were going to heaven.

    idk that was kinda confusing, but really well thought out

  2. Yes but the victims must go to heaven first... what if everybody has sinned, so while they have been a vitim they have also been a sinner. If Everyone has, at some point, sinned (and from what i know of various christian teachings, everyone has) then no-one would get there in the first place, and no-one would receive that happiness that allows them to forgive those who sinned against them. Then no-one would get to heaven since it is the victims judging, not God.  

  3. Whew!

    You are much more interested in these questions than she is.

    Do not presume to know how to spell the name of God.  God is female, male, sexual, asexual - in other words everything that we are.  

    Forget your premises and remember that you are god and god is you.

    Get it?

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