
Can you go from being a sophomore in pre AP courses to homeschooling?

by Guest44786  |  earlier

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I might have this problem in the future. I'm sophomore in Pre AP classes and I was wondering if you can go from being in public school your whole life to homeschooling? I might be asked travel a lot next year. I know for sure I'll miss the first month of junior year. so can I do this? is there a way to keep your credits?




  1. yes

  2. You can go to homeschooling if you want to. And if you're trying to brag about your Pre AP classes as a sophmore, don't. that's just stupid.

  3. Yes, when you get accepted to a college you should ask your counselor (before taking the placement exams) to "test out" of your freshman year requirements.

    You will get credit for the classes just as if you took them and passed. Of course you won't get the easy A's to pad your GPA but you will graduate much earlier.

  4. yeah my friends a sophomore and she's homeschooled and she takes collage classes.

  5. Yes, your going to have to see what YOUR state allows and follow their education guidelines...

  6. You'll need to talk to your school to see what they allow; each school district is allowed to make their own rules on this.  If you're planning on re-entering public school after you're done traveling, you'll need to find out what they will accept.

    You can definitely become a homeschooler, anytime you want; your parents could withdraw you right now and let you homeschool, if that's what your family chose to do.  Colleges accept homeschool transcripts gladly; high schools are another story.

    Your school may allow you to work on independent study for a few months or a semester; this would be where your teachers give you your assignments in advance, you go ahead and do the work, and turn them in by a pre-determined date.  I did this in high school when I was out sick for several months, and I was pre-AP/AP as well.

    I really suggest you talk to your guidance counselor and the administration now.  You have a record as a good student, so that may very well work in your favor.  If you're planning on returning to school after your traveling is done, you'll have to get everything approved in advance; if you'd like to stay homeschooled for the last two years of high school, you can just start homeschooling according to your state regulations, keep your records, and finish up that way.

    (As a homeschooler, you can also take college classes; this way, you get both college and high school credit, and don't have to worry about the AP test - the credit is already there.  Just something to consider.)

    Hope that helps!

  7. When my brother switched to cyber school (you go to school online at home) and tried to transfer back he found out that the cyber school classes were only half credits. So do your reseach

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