
Can you go from being in love to just being friends?

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Can you go from being in love to just being friends?




  1. Yes...

    If you have been with someone so long.  You develop a strong bond of trust and respect.  The love can leave but the friendship stays.  I am still great friends with my first boyfriend from High School and my ex husband.  No reason not to be friends.

  2. You can try....usually doesn't work unless you are 14 or something.

  3. Most of the time, if you lose a significant other, its not on good terms, so its not impossible, but it would be very timely and painful to do so.

    It is just best to leave the past in the past, go your separate ways and get on with your lives instead of having a constant reminder of what could of been, thats emotionally unhealthy.  

  4. No.

    Not from what I've seen and experienced. It never works... too many old feeling and jealously.

    You can go from dating to being friends if neither of you were in love (Maybe).  

  5. What were you before? The major problem with relationships is getting over the hurdle of a sensual aspect and working on a true affection for the other person. At first we're mesmorized by the many details of looks, personality, (money (which is a big detail), thern as time changes the characteristics the new wears off and no-longer are the sweet and sensual parts. You must be freinds before you can be lovers. You can't put the horse before the cart!

  6. Yes, you can. Most men I loved, are today very good friends of mine.

    But of course you have to take some distance before, if one of you, still has hopes on continuing the romantic relationship, it is hard, as there will be hurt and frustration.

    Both people have to be in the same page to go back to be just friends, but in my experience, yes it is possible.  

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