
Can you go in jeans for jury SELECTION??

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Can you go dressed in jeans for jury slection with heels, and a long sleeve with a blazer on top...etc....? Or would it be prefferable to go dressed in slacks..etc..?




  1. Sure. For jury selection it shouldn't really matter.

  2. Jeans are what I wore.

    If I remember correctly, the summons tells you what is not acceptable to wear....least mine did.

    My choice to wear jeans had nothing to do with "lack of respect".....or "Being Lazy"...what an off the wall thing to suggest.  No call to judge or attack someone like that.

    "Judges don't like it"???? WTF?

  3. Yes.

  4. Better to wear "work casual" -- slacks instead of jeans.

  5. I wasn't aware Jury selection had a dress code.

  6. you should always try and dress professionally.  how lazy do you have to be to have to wear jeans to court.  judges don't like it.

  7. I would wear just as you described unless the judge told you differently. You are at a trial, not a fashion show for the courts. Dress comfortably, you maybe sitting awhile... Good Luck

  8. Our high falutin courthouse won't let you in if you are wearing denim or shorts

  9. I wouldn't but you can as long as you're clean & neat.

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