
Can you go into the military if you are on ADHD medication?

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This kid i know has a REALLY terrible life. He's adopted and his parents essentially have kicked him out now that he is 18. He has SEVERE ADHD and other emotional/mental disorders, but not to the point that he is dangerous if he is on his medications....

He is ruining his life with drugs and alcohol, living with random people he meets for weeks at a time...

I just really have no idea other than the military of what he can do. Can he even go into the military with his conditions? If not, any ideas of what he CAN do? I am really worried he will end up dead or in jail in the next year if he doesn't get help...




  1. If the military will take him, then it may do him some good.  However, I don't think he'll make it far, even if he tests clean on is drug test.  He needs to want to clean himself up on his own, otherwise anything anyone does to help will be to no avail.  But it never hurts to have him talk to a recruiter if he wants.  I've known several former gang members/drug abusers who joined the military to clean themselves up and get them out of the vicious cycle they were in.  Either way, he needs to get some professional help.

  2. unfortunately if its as bad as you say it is he cannot, the military has to decline people with such disorders

  3. No, you can't.

  4. One, get him off the prescription. You have to be off those meds for atleast a year or so before you can sign up.

    Next, try bringing him to a therapist.

    Finally, try to get him off the drugs. Alcohol is legal at 21, but the more sober you the more stable you will be.

    Good luck.

  5. If you care about him THAT much, why don't you take him in and clean him up. The military has enough to do and can't be bothered with taking care of somebody who's life is in the toilet. If he wants to join the military then he needs to stand on his own two feet and show that he is a man and that he can be depended on when the **** hits the fan. Other than that, get him into a program someplace.

  6. no you cant,you really cant be on any meds

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