
Can you go on airplanes everysince nine 11 happened? i know i have not been on a airplane and never will.?

by  |  earlier

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have you been scared i mean have you even shiverd when someone even mentioned a airplane to you i know i have i am completly scared of airplanes seriously.




  1. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy and that is what those terrorists wanted to do to people.  Scare them for the rest of their lives.  You have to move on!!! You really should try to live your life and go ahead and take a vacation somewhere and catch a flight.  Continue living and enjoying life.  I understand completely what you are saying and that is how I felt for two years after the attacks.  But then I took a vacation and I was not scared of flying anymore.  Of course, the thought of 9/11 is always in the back of my mind, but I learned how to cope with it.  Good Luck to you.

  2. I can. Security seems to be alot better. Shoot, I don't even have a current ID, and I had to be frisked, basically. not to mention my stuff going through detectors, like an xray thing, or something, cause of metal.(just to check).

    I went on 2 planes, to get here to Idaho.... and I was just fine on both, and will most certainly go on another plane trip.

  3. I have flown lots of times and I find the security measures vary a lot from place to place. What you have to do is ak yourself if you don't fly have the terrorists already win? You can't live in fear of what others might do, it will just lead to regret. May want to talk to a head doc about your issues. Peace.

  4. yes, just TRUST NO ONE! It's not scary. In fact, I find it quite enjoyable looking at the Earth from wayyyyy up there. The clouds, the sun, moon... you can see a sh*tload of stars too! :)

    You need therapy.

  5. Its not that you are afraid of airplanes. you are afraid of dying.

    So am I. Since 911 I think about it every day. But since 911, I have been MORE of a traveller. And better prepared too.

    As a great american once said minutes before his death. "Lets Roll!!"

    Come to NYC You'll love it here!

  6. I flew June 2002 to Scotland and didn't think twice about getting on a plane, then flew home in August of 2003...if you have to fly then you get on the plane and do it...doesn't bother me at all...if its my time to die then at least I've lived my life the way I want to

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