
Can you go swimming while you're on your period?

by Guest59949  |  earlier

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Can you go swimming while you're on your period?




  1. Believe it or not, you could go swimming even without tampons. I do it sometimes. You just have to change fast and jump in the water immediately. Once you're in the water, it stops from coming out...  I don't know how the body does it, but that's the way it is! Hahaha. Just be sure to run back to the changing room immediately once you're out of the water... :p

  2. of course did you know while your bodys in water your period will not come out but when you get out of the water the period will come out like a min or two after you do not even need a tampon

  3. yes you can just be sure to wear a tampon.  

  4. Yeah you can just make sure that you put your tampon good.

  5. Probably not

  6. i see everyone said yes, use a tampon, but if you are going to the ocean, where there are sharks, don't swim while you have your period, but in a pool, with a tampon changed regularly you are find. remember that tampons being absorbant, they also absorb the pool or beach water, so change them after exiting the water to prevent illnesses, such as toxic shock syndrome.

  7. Yeah of course, just use a tampon and make sure you're not leaking.

  8. Actually you don't need to use a tampon at all.

    See I've had this problem...(several times) and i totally understand your worry. I was really wanting to go into the pool at my friends house but i had my period and i didn't want anything to happen. But my mom told me (she was a life guard so she had to deal with this a lot) that it's okay to go into the pool while you have your period.

    Only thing i suggest is that when you get out go straight to the bathroom and put a pad/tampon on right after you get out. No blood will be in the pool. I didn't think that it would be okay at first but it did! So enjoy your pool time! Without worrying!


    Hope this helped!

  9. Of course!! Just use a tampon!! Oh and change it like u would do a pad.

  10. Yes, use a tampon.

    Do NOT USE A PAD!!!!!  The pad will become saturated and float in the water (gross out!!!).

    But use a tampon, and swim as you normal, have fun.

    Or follow geester's directions below only if you have a light flow.  If your flow is heavy, you need a tampon.

  11. Yeahh:) no problem aslong as you wear a tampon they have easy to use ones if you havent used them before have a look in the chemist :) x*x

  12. No , your tampon will become heavy like a stone and drown you - and then you will end up in h**l for having been such a naughty girl.

  13. YES you can!!! Tampons!!!

  14. yes u can.

    i've done it before.

    if your likee me and dont want to shove a tampon up your v****a then dont.

    just get in the pool without it or a pad.

    dont worry you wont bleed in the pool.

    but a few mins after you get out make sure you dry off and put on a pad.

  15. yes, if you want, but dont use a pad! use a tampon :]

  16. use tampons they absorb the blood from the inside so it cant go in the water

    i suggest lillets they exspand to your bodys shape

    i can go swimming on my period now

    simple as

  17. in the ocean you may attract sharks even if you use a tampon, sharks have very sensitive smell they can detect one blood cell from 5 miles away, you would be endangering other swimmers.

  18. yes you ninny lol why wouldnt you be able to,lol just wear a tampon not a pad,lol

  19. well it happened to me don't use tampons, they are not healthy (thats what my friends say) i just put my feet in to the wather thats it. and dont swim when u have ur period cuz u can get infection and the ppl that r w/ u can get it too. so little patience wont hurt. and dont use pad!! i did it once and it got all soaked.

  20. yes, you can just use a tampon. :)

  21. Of course!  Just wear a tampon.

  22. Absolutely, probably be best to use a tampon tho

  23. Sure can. Just use a tampon.

    And change it like every hour or so.

    And don't be all awkward if this is your first time.

    I refused them for like ever. but one day I just

    used one and hardly noticed it. Have fun.


  25. yea, just use a tampon NOT A PAD THEN BLOOD WILL BE IN THE POOL!!!

  26. ONLY if you use a tampon or moon/diva cup, as you WILL bleed into the pool and you will contaminate the pool/water with your blood.

    Try tampax pearl lites, they are excellent to use for first timers and light periods.

    I've worn tampons since age 11, and I'm now 34 and prefer them over pads.

    Some will say your flow stops, but it does not.  In reality, you will still bleed into the water, but the water washes away the blood so it only looks like it stops.  Trust me you will bleed into the pool, as does everyone who says their period "stops" or "slows" in water (its simply not true).

  27. Use a good tampon and change it once every 1 1/2 hours! Have fun!

  28. You can. I suggest NOT wearing a tampon though, as some water inevitably gets into the v****a and soaks part of the tampon, which in my opinion is a little gross and reduces the absorption ability of the tampon. I wear my Divacup instead and I adore it. It keeps water out, instead of sucking it up further into the v****a.

  29. yes as long as you use tampons! and remember to change them like you normally would..

  30. yup wear a tampon

    not a pad

    please do everyone a favor and dont wear a pad

  31. Yes....having your period does not mean you have to stop any form of sport. Use a tampon and enjoy your swimming.

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