
Can you go through life and never make a single enemy?

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Can you go through life and never make a single enemy?




  1. It's possible. I had a friend like that, but his utterly spineless behaviour became quite nauseating after a while.

  2. what is your definition of an enemy?  According to the Oxford "an enemy is a person or a group actively opposing or hostile to another or to a cause." I think you can go through life and never make a single enemy........

  3. I have to agree with Tsepo.

    zxcv, what about the solar power people? Do they love you?

  4. No!

    I have had many enemies in my life. And collect many on my way.


    Some are based on petty jealousy: my appearance, my friendliness, my achievements, the friends that I have.

    Others are based on my opinions: I refuse to lie to myself or allow others to force their opinions on me. I try to be hard against myself and put issues on my table that I do not necessarily want to know or be honest to myself about.....  

    My skin colour and religion: I have enemies I have not met, that hate me because of my skin colour and religion.

    But the worst and most deadly enemy I have ever had, is the one I saw in the mirror.

  5. No, i don't think one can, some may have less enemies than others, or not vicious enemies, or not even consider that person an enemy,  but i think everyone has enemies

  6. I think thats an excellent question. I highly doubt it that you can go through life without ever experiencing somebody opposing you! We all have different opinions and even the sweetest person will not be thinking the same or feeling the same as another. Also even if people do feel the same they always disagree.

    In your career you might even experience it more. People dont like it when you advance and often I find the jealous bug is biting me when I see somebody advancing. Whether or not it goes that far to be an enemy is always up to what extent they treat me ( and by what definition do I measure FAIR treatment). Often you find backstabbing and people scheming behind your back

    Hey thats life!

  7. I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $135 a barrel. (Please tell nobody:  one day on Jan. Goldman & Sachs traded so huge volume of barrels, which = US one year's import in volume)

    So here is my difficulty:

    Congress is now investigating on oil speculation, I am afraid of being caught.  But if I sell them right now, I would end up with little or no profit since the trading fees and hedge fund managing cost are not cheap.

    I already request my agents send  the spin out to the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ”   But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

    My lobby firm can work Republican party to stall passing the laws, but I am not sure for how long. I am very fearful and worried. So my question is this:  How do I corner the market price up in time so not to get caught by Congress.?

  8. Well so far i can honestly say that i do not have any enemies , or at least i do not consider any particular person/s an enemy , i dont know if anyone considers me their enemy...

    My conflicts are usually solved quickly with no hard feelings from my end and doesn't escalate to a stage of hatred for the person. Life is too short to dwel on things like enemies and revenge , etc...

    PS: This excludes those bluddy guys with guns when its hunting season...

  9. No- at least in my opinion. Someone always gets hurt;-)

  10. Only if you don't socialize much and you shield yourselve from meeting lots of people.

    That way you will not make enemies.

    But there will be people that will not like you.

    Its impossible for everyone to like you.

    So the answers No its impossible.

  11. Absolutely not, I go out of my way to be pleasant to everybody I talk to and never found any body that didn't like me.

  12. A person that die without an enemy, is a person that have not lived life to the fullest.

  13. Never. Sometimes in life you ruffle a few feathers on the way, so some people might end up your enemies.

  14. Not possible. Did you know that you can make enemies for simply being a nice person?

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