
Can you go to Vatican City without going to Italy?

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Can you go to Vatican City without going to Italy?




  1. It wouldn't  be easy.  You might try parachuting into Vatican City, or perhaps you could ask the Pope if it would be alright to land your helicopter in St. Peter's Square.

  2. Not unless you are the Pope and technically he would need to ride through Italian airspace anyway.

  3. it's impossible to go to vatican city without going to italy. vatican city is the smaller country in the world, if you don't know it, and is in Rome so you have to go to Rome by plane and then go to Vatican city by taxi of bus

  4. I don't think there is an airport in the Vatican City so unless you charter a helicopter and get permission to land it in St.Peter's square, then you have to go through Italy.

  5. lol No you need to fly to Italy first , The Vatican is only several city blocks long it  doesnt have its own airport it uses the one in Rome.

  6. ya...transcendental meditation...ommmmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. yes, landing with an elicopter on s.peter square and leaving from switzerland

  8.'s true that americans and geography aren't good friends... but... "noone in the world use maps..." isn't so?

  9. Lol.


  10. No, you need to transit through Italy. Note that once in Vatican city it's all so urbanized that you really can't tell the difference between being in Rome or in V.C.

  11. yes it's a country

  12. well, there is no airport within the vatican, and it doesn't border any bodies of water, so the answer would be no. unless you can teleport. and if you can teleport, you should be using your powers for something better than trying to go to Vatican City without entering italy.


    Infact he arrives in a private area inside Vatican's Gardens.

    In other case you must arrived in Italy and the airports of Rome are your best solution.

    ...Many years ago there was also a private Vatican railway station for particular trains with that destination.

  14. No.  Vatican City is inside the confines of Rome.  To reach Rome, you have to get to the airport, which is outside of Vatican City, or else, you have to come by way of the highway, the train system, or the Tiber.

  15. Since it is the middle of Rome that would be very difficult. Theoretically you could take a helicopter from a ship to the Vatican.

  16. Not really, because Vatican City is so small, you have to go there through Rome because there is no airport. Essentially it is just St. Peter's Square and the Basillica itself. I went two years ago and it was absolutely phenomanal! Hope I helped!

  17. you could always take a helicopter

  18. you need to fly to Rome, and then to Vatican

  19. thats sort of impossible seeing as how the vatican is located in rome which is in italy. so no theres no way to get there without going to italy.

  20. Interesting question, but no you need to fly into Rome then go to the Vatican.

  21. The Vatican is a separate country inside the city of Rome.  It does not have its own airport or a coast line. So until we get the bugs out of our Star Trek transporters you will have to pass through a part of Italy to make your pilgrimage to the Holy See.

  22. vatican city is in italy, unless u have a helicopter land in the plaza i dont see any other way

  23. if you mean, like you don't need a visa? I think the problem is that you have to go through Italy to be able to get to the Vatican, so probably would need a visa. Ask the vatican consulate in your country

  24. i dont think so, vatican city is really small i dont think they have an airport. perhaps a helicopter ride, but those would be pricey.

  25. Do you have helicopter?

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