
Can you go to college pregnant?

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I will be attending a community college this summer. I am pregnant. Can you still go to school pregnant? I know i'll take all I can online but will they kick me out the week I have my baby or will the flunk me or what? I think it will be easier since its not an university but I dont know. If anyone was pregnant and graduated or didnt please let me know how it went. Will you be able to make up exams?




  1. Yes you can go to your college! no one can stop you. just work things out with your teachers about making up work or tests when needed.

  2. Hubby and I are TTC and I go to community college. They cannot kick you out for being pregnant.  Just like your work can't fire you for taking maternity leave.

  3. y not? Nowaday it is possible to all.

  4. Of course you can! They can't kick you out ever!

  5. yes you can

  6. Yes, you can go to college pregnant - they can't flunk you or kick you out the week you have your baby because it would be discriminatory.  The can ask you to sit a make up exam/assignment if need be.

    Just don't expect that because you are pregnant that they will make alot of exceptions for you for your doctors appts and such - they will expect you to be able to work around these commitments to complete your study work load

  7. yes u isnt like high school.just make sure u talk to your teachers u have the semester u will have your baby.

  8. Of course you can, that would be blatant discrimination if you couldn't!

  9. No, they do not let you attend college pregnant. They have very strict rules against this because they deem it to be unmoral. You should really consider having an abortion to better your education and  placement in life.

  10. Of course you can, unless it's BYU or something. Christ, you sure do sound like you need it

  11. I finished highschool while i was pregnant with my first child, they didnt have a problem with it!

  12. yes you can. you dont have to go to each semester, so you can go to school until you have your baby, then go back after.  

  13. yes. I am currently enrolled in school ((going for my social work degree)) and 22 weeks pregers. Stay on top of your game and talk to your profesors they might be able to work w you as far as your work.  

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