
Can you go to court earlier than told to?

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I'm 13 , My friends and I were caught trespassing on school property.

We were all told to go to court on the 21st, but one of my friends went today instead of the 21st. He said the Crown of School Act or something was only there today. He told me to go too , because it wouldn't affect your record if you talked to this guy. You'd just get fined about $180. He also said that if I went when the Crown of School Act wasn't there , it'd go on my record and I'd get a bigger fine. Is this true? Should I actually go today? My dad doesn't know what to do , but he says I should go on the 21st because he has work soon. I don't want something like this going on my record , because I wanna get a job to help my dad pay off the fine. Help Please? ):




  1. Just go in today then, the worst that can happen is you have to go back on the 21st and appear again. If you can do anythign to get out of anyhting going on your recod I would do it.

    FYI, it'll still be on your record, but it won't say you were charged for it.

  2. The answer is NO!.  Second time.  All cases are on a Court Call.

  3. I have no idea what a Crown of School Act is, but I do work in the legal field and it has been my experience that when the court orders you to appear, that is when you appear, not a day or week before or after.  

    Perhaps your friend is full of bologna.

  4. Find a new friend, this one got you trouble and is now trying to get you in worse trouble.  Go to court on the date they told you, if you don't you will be charged for contempt of court and failure to appear and will be arrested and held until a new court date is set and you will stay in jail until that court date.  Find a new friend!!

  5. There are two ways to get the correct answer to this question.  1)  Call the courthouse, tell them your age, the situation and ask them what your options are.

    2)  Many attorneys give free initial consultations.  Call one and ask for information.

    Remember to get all your questions together when you call.  Good luck.

  6. wow.. you should stop hanging out wiht people obviously affected by drug use..t his guy is a wierdo.. do as your told  and stop listening to your "friends" that's what got you where you are's a thought.... if you dont want things to go on your record then dont do illegal things..... Sorry to say kiddo you need to be assertive and independant when it comes to your friends influencing you to do wrong.. You wanting to get a job to pay off the fine shows your the kinda person who wants to do right.. and i think YOU KNOW you have it in you to do it... I have had many a friends who were trouble makers and I've never been in trouble with the law.... you have to know when to say no and walk away that doesnt mean from your friends..just from their bad decisions...good luck

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