
Can you go to jail for...?

by  |  earlier

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can u go to jail for prank calling?

even if it was just a joke and not sexuall?

And if u apologize?




  1. best you'd get an infraction, which is like a ticket.

  2. No jail time for prank calls

  3. Yeah - there are specific statutes that criminalize certain communications like bomb threats or (in domestic violence cases very often) repeated harassing phone calls.

    Sure, just a joke.  Never a good defense - nobody likes to be somebody else's punchline.

  4. no

    but if you were dumb enough to prank call the police than you are looking at some trouble

  5. If you kept on repeating the calls then you will have to pay a fee. Prank calling is illegle and if you do it too many times and the person told you to stop the first or second time then yes its harrassment. This is called harrassment. You can get in a lot of trouble. Prank Calling is not a joke!

    You better hope she doesnt press charges for harrassment.  

  6. Maybe if it was considered harassment, and you were a repeat offender.

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