
Can you go to jail if you sell a car that is on hp and dont pay the loan back?

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Can you go to jail if you sell a car that is on hp and dont pay the loan back?




  1. If you dont pay the HP the company will - after contacting you to try to sort the problem out- reposses the car. If you have sold the car and not paid the HP the people you have sold the car to will be P***** off as they will loose the car. They can take you to court for illegally selling a car to them that didnt belong to you. If you think that the car wont be traced because it is no longer at your home address - wrong. There are ways of finding cars. My advice - if you cant pay the HP contact the agent and come to an arrangement. You can hand your car back with no penalties if you have paid the qualifiying period.

  2. Of course.  Can you think of any reason you wouldn't go to jail for fraud?

  3. I believe there would be a criminal charge atttached to it, as it isnt your vehicle until the HP is paid off.

    Jail, hard to say. If you have prior convictions, or are on a bond, its possible.

    For a first offence, with a good barrister, I belive you will get a severe penalty, and be ordered to pay the amount back.

    Im not sure if the new owner will be able to keep the car, etiher, so you may find yourself in a civil claim with them, to recover whatever you sold the car to them for.

    In short, dont do it.

  4. Yea what do hp mean

  5. You can certainly get in to a lot of trouble. Their first step will be to issue you with a reminder. And from there it will escalate to bailiffs and possibly court proceedings. I wouldn't recommend going down that road!

  6. Yes depending on the state you live in! If the loan is based upon the car. Did you have to temp sign the pink or give the pink as collateral? The reason for it in the first place is to guard the loan. The vehicle is not technically yours to sell! Pay the loan and you shouldn't have any problem. It may be assumed as fraud if you don't and about a dozen other offenses.

  7. Yes, you don't officall own the car until the hp is paid, but if you sell it and pay off the hp then it belongs to you.

  8. you can go to jail by doing almost anything.... so probably...

  9. what does hp stand for?

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