
Can you go to jail when your 10?

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like if a 10 year odl does a crime???




  1. Its not called jail it called Juvenile hall and any one under 18 doesnt get arrested they get tooken into custody.

    Most of the time any one under 18 just gets probation

  2. Honestly, it depends where you live in america. Each state has their own statutes on who can be charged as an adult. In Utah a 10 year old would go to a youth detention facility. If you are really interested, you should really go and read your states laws on juvinal detention.  

  3. you get in trouble with the pigs and/or you go to Juvie.

  4. It depends on which state you are. But all I know is if you're 12 or older, you can be tried as an adult in court and you can go to jail.

  5. It usually does not matter as much what the actual age is but what the crime is and the child's understanding of right and wrong and what other crimes the child has committed. Also without a doubt it depends on the attorney representing.

  6. it's possible to go to juvenile, but it depends on how serious the crime was  

  7. ONce I was sitting in on court first appearances, and they brought a very young child (probably 8-10 years old) in the courtroom in chains. He was handcuffed and the chains were wrapped around his back. apparently he threw a water bottle at his mom and she called the police.

  8. you can go to jail if you commit a crime no matter your age  

  9. technically, it is possible, but you really need to s***w up

  10. If you commit a very serious crime, you could be charged as an adult, in many states.

    Otherwise, you could go to Juvenile Hall (kid jail).

  11. Juvenile hall is the same thing as jail except forr minors(people under 18) i have had a friend go there twice. he says its not fun at all. so yes it is possible for a 10 yr old to go to Juvee. it is a place you dont want to go. you get in there for felony crimes just like jail. so dont do drugs or kill any one for that matter.

    hope this helped.

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