
Can you go to school while on Social security, or social security disability?

by  |  earlier

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My Girlfriends dad is on Social security, but I'm pretty sure he's on social security disability.

A. Is he able to go to school and not lose his disablitity?

B. Are there any special programs that help those on social security go back to school?





  1. will i lose my benefits? i want to become a nurse soo bad!!also im 25

  2. I have 2 patients middle age that are on social security disability. Not SSI, not SS retirement and not regular SS. Just SSDI. They're considering going back to school (campus and/or online) but concerned that their SSDI will be terminated. Yes, both are very ill and should be on SSDI, however, making a difference in the world have been a lifelong dream of theirs. Anyone know, will their SSDI stop if they go back to school?
    Thanks everyone!

  3. im glad there are some answers on this subject, im about to turn 31 and in the process of attmpting to get ssdi. i dont know if its a male pride thing or what but, i really dont want ssdi. i want to work and take care of my family. i feel that me being a man, i need to take care of them and i feel like s**t(less of a man) because i cant work(do the things i've been doing).
    i've been dealing with degenerative discs since i was 23 and now its hard for me to sit, walk for along time and alot of times it hurts laying in the bed trying to sleep. im glad that people are able to go back to school because that is an opportunity for me to get an education while i cant work.
    another bad thing is that i've read that if you have degenerative discs and being this young, that it is very difficult to be approved.

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