
Can you go to southern ireland without passport?

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Can you go to southern ireland without passport?




  1. passports are required now due to new terrorism laws passed.

  2. travel between the UK and ireland, only need proof of ID. so driving licence will do

  3. you would probably pass the borders quite easily in car bus or train without passport but its advisable to have it perchance you are asked for identification

  4. if you fly to eire yes, if you travel by ferry from the uk no, but it is essential you have some form of photo id

  5. From Northern Ireland, yes.  There are no border controls now.  From other countries, the passport is the norm.  It's a good idea to bring it with you anyway, as various places require ID  .....   banking if it is not your own branch, buying alcohol or cigarettes, or getting into night clubs if you look underage, for example

  6. The current situation is very complex.

    Officially, you don't, but in reality you do.

    The theory is that UK and Irish citizens don't need a passport but everyone else does. But you need to prove you're UK or Irish, and for most people, the only way to do that is to show a passport.

    So when you show a passport, it is not to gain permission to enter, it is to prove have a right to enter.

    Its a bizarre situation, and there is a lot of political discussion in Ireland to change it - possibly by joining the Schengen treaty.

    You can also prove your nationality by showing a drivers license - but because the license only shows place of birth, not citizenship, this only works for those born in the UK before 1983, and those born in Ireland before 2004. After these dates citizenship was not automatically granted to those born in the country.

  7. You do not need a passport your driving licence will do. Went last summer.

  8. you can not go to north or South of Ireland by boat or plane, without a valid passport, wherever you are travelling from.

    you can check it out, but it`s true.

    good luck.

  9. Yes...just dont expect to get in....

  10. YOu can fly into Sligo from Stanstead (UK) and not need a passport, you can cross many border crossing points from Northern Ireland into the republic without showing a passport, basically because there is nobody at the crossing to show one to !

    The question you need to say is coming from WHERE into Ireland, if you are travelling from the US direct to Ireland you are going to have to show a passport

  11. i think you can from the UK. Thing is ive been so many million times i take it for granted and i cant remember. lol

    But its the republic of ireland, not southern.

  12. In order to go anywhere out of the US, you HAVE to have a passport

  13. It is within the common travel area, but a lot of airlines don't accept driving licenses anymore as valid ID - if you're flying from the UK to Eire then you're better off bringing a passport. I fly over all the time and I never go without a passport - better safe than sorry.

    If you're worried because you don't have a passport, check with your flight provider.

  14. Hey, Neiko - the clue is, like, IRELAND ....

    If you are based in Northern Ireland, yes, you can travel to the Republic of Ireland without a passport, but you do need some form of picture identification with you at all times.

  15. No, Southern Ireland is not part of the UK it is part of europe

  16. If you are a UK citzen then you dont need a passport to go to North ireland

    you do need it for the Southern Ireland

    trust me i have been to both

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