
Can you graduate from college with more than 120 credits?

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I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but Im still going to ask.

I am going into my third year of college and just changed my major from journalism to civil engineering. Since engineering has nothing to do with journalism, I still have to take all the engineerng prereqs and the courses for my major. I also came into school with a bunch of AP credits. Right now I have 91 credits done (including journalism and AP credits) and I still havent done any engineering stuff. By the time I get all the courses I need completed I will have like 200 credits. Do schools care if you graduate with more than the required credits to get the degree?




  1. As long as you have the minimum completed all the necessary classes for each degree you're fine.

  2. You can graduate with as many credits as you want.  The school doesn't care - it means you're ultimately paying them more money.  I graduated with about 140.

  3. The only thing the school cares about is that you have at least the minimum required credits. It would be silly for them to have a maximum. If you're really curious, ask your advisor, but I'm nearly 100% certain he'll tell you it doesn't matter. Schools mostly want you to have at least the minimum number of credits and all of the required classes taken to get your degree.

  4. It does not matter.  People change their major all of the time.  I had 154 when I completed school.  As long as you have the grades and the money the school will allow you to stay.

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