
Can you graduate in 2 monthes if you are home schooled ?

by  |  earlier

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My friend failed english , algebra , and science her freshman year . Now we are sophmores and she recently moved to puerto rico at the beggining of this year during January . I'm graduating a year early . But she isn't in school yet and april is coming soon so she told me she is moving back over her in the U.S. and that she is going to be home schooled and al she has to do is take an exam and pass it and she'll be graduating in 2 months and going to college is that possible because it really does sound to good to be true ? I'm not trying to call my friend stupid but she isn't that smart to take an exam on things that she doesn't understand and never learned before and pass it because she's been out of school for about 2 1/2 months now she probably forgot .




  1. Is she taking a GED?

  2. in some states you can take a test and be given a state issued high school diploma (california for instance). or she could be simply taking the ged test.

  3. Depending on the state, your friend might be able to graduate by passing the state high school exit exam.  In my state, a typical eighth grader can pass this test.

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