
Can you grind your own coffee beans to use in a perculator or do you need to buy already ground coffee?

by  |  earlier

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Might sound like a stupid question but i only ever buy ready ground stuff and fancy grinding my own. But do you need a special coffee machine to do the own ground stuff or does an old style perculator work (my perculator was my nannas and is fom the 70's i think - it looks well cool and retro).

Also does it taste nicer when you grind your own or does it just taste the same.




  1. grind your own for the smell once ground it will perc the same except fresher and you know what beans you are using,

      Any blender that will grind ICE will do the beans a real coffee grinder costs  between 20-30 quid you must look in a  dedicated real; coffee shop and check for the cheapest also the price of the beans   I expect a lot more than a bottle of nescafe by the way they sell the bean in weights from a quarter of a pound

  2. you can  grind your  beens  in  a blender as well  if  you can`t get  a grinder

  3. Your coffee will taste much better and fresher if you grind the beans yourself.  You will need a coffee grinder to do that.  You can get an electric one or a hand grinder and either will work in your perculator.

  4. if you can find the whole beans it is best to grind them yourself as and when you need them. keep the whole roasted beans in a sealed bag in the freezer to keep the freshness, but you need a very strong grinder as they are tough!!! and don't grind them too fine.

  5. You can and should grind your own The 70's perculator should be ok. Tastes a lot better.

  6. The only reason to grind your own beans is if you use a TON of coffee. It is less costly to buy beans in bulk. I think it tastes slightly better. You can use either type in a percolator. More flavors are available if you buy whole beans.

  7. You need to buy roasted beans and you need a grinder.  If you grind it as you need it, the coffee is fresher.

  8. Buy a coffee mill.  I don't know what they cost now, but I got mine 30 years ago for $10.  You can buy whole beans.  I buy lightly roasted beans and finish the roast.  Then I grind and brew.  I think it tastes much better.

    ***** added info *****

    Target has one for $20.

  9. yup - nice and fresh. Here is a link to 2 coffee grinders if you live in the  UK

    Like some of the guys above have said..... freezing the beans is a good idea. Use little freezere bags to make portions for everyday. and grind straight from frozen. Some people say to store them in the fridge, but this is a bad idea as the aromas of food and the dampness ruins the beans :(

  10. i buy whole beans from any supermarket

  11. You can buy a small grinder so that you only grind the beans as you use them.It should give you guidance as to how long you need to grind for.When my parents were alive its the only way we created ground coffee.You should store the beans in the freezer until you need them (use them straight from the freezer defrosting not necessary) this will stop the the natural oils breaking down and don't buy big bags of coffee beans.See if you can find a specialist coffee store close to you they can advise you and maybe even give you some samples to help you discover your favorite blend /flavour.Buying coffee is akin to buying wine take your time and go to a specialist.............regards

  12. Yes you can grind your own, buy a coffee grinder and some freshly roasted beans There used to be plenty of shops that would roast beans to order freshly roasted and ground mm-mm

  13. Grinding your own beans makes a delicious, fresh cup of coffee that is way better than purchased ground coffee. You can definitely use your ground beans in a percolator. Actually I love percolated coffee.  When you grind your own beans they can be used exactly like already ground coffee-in whichever method you to decide to cook them with. You will have to purchase a coffee bean grinder is all. Good luck, have fun and enjoy the java!!!

  14. i think you need a coffee grinder machine. kenwood do these as an attachment  to the kenwood mixer. but i think you can go on e-bay or similar sites you can get one quite cheap.

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