
Can you grow shitake mushroom ?

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In your backyard that is and how you go about and is it safe to consume.




  1. Just do a web browser search for Shitake Mushroom Kit.There are a large number of sources.I have used the kits for several varieties.with high success.They contain the spores,growing media, and instructions for growth.They are perfectly safe to consume.

  2. growing them in logs is one of the most prefered methods..they take 9 months from start to finish ..**+...

    Heres some kits to purchase the spores from

  3. you could go to the nearest flowershop to ask whether they sell Shitakei mushroom kit there.  I ever saw farmers planting them in my childhood time.  The mainpoint is that you got to get the right fungus rather to pick any wild fungus to culitvate by your instinct.

    They love shadding, humid, less wind place and grown on a pine wood with a lot of hole with shitakei fungus instill them... mostly in the summer and need to sprinkle water every morning and afternoon.  It is safe to eat but remember do not eat the buttom part of stem which connects the wood part.  For asian, we said it is a bit bad for your health.  So cut the most buttom part of stem, and the rest part of mushroom is tasty and texture are chewy than any mushroom.

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