
Can you guess this persons sign by a myspace survey?

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Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?


When was the last time you saw the first person on your top?

Last night, at walmart! haha.

What is one thing you hear a lot?

A lot of stuff.

What's one thing that you want right now?

something to drink.

& some gum lmfao

Do you have a lot of regrets?

a couple. but whatever.

Have you ever regretted letting someone go?

ehhhh, not really.

Is there anyone who hates you?

i wouldnt be surprised

Do you miss someone?


Are looks important?

yeah, they matter, but they're not everything.

What are you wearing?


What is your current mood?


Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?

No, i was shocked that i slept for so long, so i just had a Shocked face(:

Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?


Would you die for someone?

Idk about that.

Last song you heard?

bye bye remix.

If someone did like you, how should they let you know?

tell me. simple as that.

How was your day?


Do you live by your friends?

a couple of them

Are you scared of spiders?

Yes, they freak me out.

Do you have a piercing?

Yes, my ears.

What color is your hair?

Dark brown. I need to dye my roots though.

Do you believe in love?


Are you pregnant?

Yeah righhhhhht.

When do you want to get married?

mhm, but not at the moment.

Who were the last three people that sent you a text message?

elizabeth, thao, and soy.

a longggg time ago, since my text got taken away):

Last person that called you?

Dont remember.

Are you happier single or in a relationship?


Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

depends on what they did to need a second chance in the first place.

Do you wish someone would call you?

Not right now.

What is bugging you right now?

I'm bored. & i need money to go shopping. haha;.

If someone doesn't like you, its usually because...?

I'm a *****.

But a nice one(:

Do you have a wild side?

i think everyone does.

Have you lost friends in the past year?

Yeah. I lose a couple friends every year it seems like.

But i gain more so i dont really care.

What were you doing at midnight last night?

watching a movie .




  1. Aries

  2. Capricorn.

  3. scorpio

    and then i say aquarius.

  4. Pisces

  5. saggitarius,leo

  6. For a second I thought this was a survey I filled out.

    I'm guessing it has to be a Libra. After that I would pick Capricorn or Aries.

  7. no, but I can tell youre pretty lame if that helps...

    your sign must suck.

  8. taurus

  9. gemini, maybe taurus

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