
Can you guess what my poem is about?

by  |  earlier

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Your gentle call erodes my skin

You sync with my beat

I retire from within

Your stamina so great

Each action the same

It’s always been you to predict my fate

Freedom will come

Forever you shall dance

Alas, my friend, our time is done

This is a poem I wrote last night and when my mum read it she didn't know what it was about, so can you guess? I thought it was pretty obvious, but then again I wrote it. Also, (yeah, I had to ask) is it any good?




  1. Its obviously about s*x,

    i think you could do much better.

    unless you like to portay one minute s*x, as good

  2. I'll try and break it down as best as I can.  It is only my interpretation, though.

    Your gentle call erodes my skin.  means when they call out to you, your skin "melts away"  and nothing else matters.  You are both together as one.  They don't tire easily"stamina."  It has always been you to predict my fate:  Means that this person or thing has always known what shall happen in your future.

    freedom shall come, forever you shall dance alas, my friend, our time is done.  This can mean that freedom will come as in death??  (maybe not actual physical death.  You can always kill a certain thing about yourself like getting rid of a bad past, so you can be free of your past and dance in your bliss)  Since when you die, you only lose your physical body, and you can have your freedom from pain and dance forever.  This is just me guessing, since I do not know you personally, or know your thoughts, and even then it would be hard to interpret.  I like the poem though.

  3. I think it is about the act of making love and the freedom and release you get from it.

  4. At first it seems like s*x...but when you look deeper it could be so much more I am not to sure really.

    I think it is different for every one really who reads it very good though.

  5. is it about your love?

  6. Sorry, no it's not.

  7. Perhaps about s*x? That was my first thought....but I doubt it.

    Could it possible be about death in some strange way? I just got a feeling.

    Who knows! I'm probably wrong!

  8. i think about ur d***o

  9. It is a poem of inner voice

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