
Can you guys give me some reasons why females are more restricted by conventional gender roles than males?

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Please give at least three reasons plus to your point of view

Thanks a lot




  1. I thin kit's the other way around now. Because of women's liberation, we can be what we want - want to be a girly housewife, that's fine - wants to be a tomboy or career girl, that's fine too.

    But men still feel the need to sucumb to societies ideals fo 'being a man' they need liberation too!

  2. I wouldn't say that females are more restricted by conventional gender roles.

    It's 2008 and I've been made fun of for being a male with long hair(I'm just so d**n metal!)

    The idea of what makes a man is much more restricted.

  3. The first words that come out of the doctors mouth when a child is born (it’s a boy, it’s a girl) carries with it a hat full of stereotypes that are going to determine the way a child will be regarded and brought up in society. But in all actuality the stereotyping goes both ways.

    There are girls that are tired of having their opinions not trusted because they're believed to be more driven by emotion rather than logic. At the same time there is a man who would like to feel secure while displaying his emotions without being ridiculed.

    There are some girls who don't want to have image propaganda plastered all around them while some guys don't want their desires dictated for them.

    There are girls who want to be seen for who they are and what they stand for rather than the way they fix their hair and do their makeup. They're tired of acting fragile and weak to get a man. And there are men who are tired of acting strong when they really feel weak.

    There are boys who are tired of being expected to know everything while girl’s intelligence is distrusted.

    Girls are called unfeminine when they want to compete but a man shouldn't have to compete to show that they're a man.

  4. The work and the action it takes to get or have the action ?

    --this includes the same action men have.

    The chemical action at the orgin of when the "" tempt'' is  not desired to be felt around ..

    ---this includes the body reason from what no one questions any why.

    The image of those abvle to pay the bills and who lives with the bills ?

  5. Possibly some of them like traditional gender roles?  Even in this day and age, some women enjoy being at home with their children and don't want to be stuck in the office all day.  Perhaps for some women 'traditional' gender roles are not a restriction but a liberation?  I know that is how I feel about them.

    And as for the chap above who talks about June Cleaver not having any friends - perhaps someone should break it to him gently that June Cleaver was an imaginary characer in a Tv show?  In real life, stay-at-home wives used to have plenty of friends because there were plenty of other stay-at-home wives around in those days.  My mother and her friends were in and out of each other's houses all day long.  

    In the pre-industrial era, few people went out to work anyway, most people worked in or near their own homes, and women used to be involved in whatever the family business might be.  And children used to be put to work as soon as they were old enough.  So what we think of as 'traditional' has only been that way for a very short time, a little over 200 years.

    nevertheless, I think that the system that evolved, of men going out to work and married women staying at home, was satisfactory for a lot of people.  It is only in recent decades, in our work-obsessed society, that this has come to be seen as a bad thing.

  6. My mother was a stay-at-home mother for much of my childhood but she certainly didn't "nurture" me when I came home from school. If I wanted something to eat or drink, I had to get them myself. It didn't bother me because let's face it, I was an able bodied person who didn't need someone else to do those things for me.

    I guess this stereotype came from 1950s sitcoms that portrayed highly idealized families that didn't exist in the real world. I often wonder what June Cleaver did all day when her sons and husband weren't home. I would imagine her life was boring and lonely. She didn't seem to really have any friends and in those days, people didn't have the Internet to keep them entertained.

  7. At this point, I'd say it's men who have the bigger problems. Women can act like whatever they want, and only a few, easily silenced people will raise a commotion about it. When a man acts out of turn (i.e. being a metrosexual, staying home with the kids, etc.), everyone's on him, especially other men.

  8. I would really agree that females are, at least not too today's standard. I think each gender feels more restricted than the other, its a "grass is always greener" thing. Woman have had to face challenges to changes then role of a female (eg: traditionally a child bearer, mother who doesnt need an education). Accept men still bear the brunt of having to be "manly" and tough, not cry or feel any softer emotions. Both genders still have a typical gender image that we deal with every day otherwise we wouldnt have terms like "butch woman" "prissy men"- they fall outside typical gender roles.

  9. Traditionally little boys could grow up and want to be a fireman, doctor, lawyer, President, policeman..and the list goes on...when they grew up.

    Traditionally little girls could dream of growing up and being a wife and mother, a wife and mother, a wife and mother, an old maid, or, if Catholic, a nun.  Not much of a choice is it?  Feel constrained?

    See the difference?

  10. b***s flopping around when trying to run or fight.

    Monthly's interrupting

    Smaller frame, bones and muscles,  

        Being on average weaker than man, women clearly show they do not want to run or fight.  High heels, long hair, tight skirts,  decorations and ornaments, non-confrontational attitude.

    Conquering armies goals are to eliminate resistance( kill the men) and take over the country they have attacked.  Then integrate with the conquered society, impregnate the women.  

    It seems to me that the women innately know this.  Women's concerns revolve around their babies, regardless who their fathers are.  An example  of this is Guam.  In 1692 the Spaniards conquered Guam.  They then killed all the men.  Now the babies were all 1/2 Spanish.  Then in 1939? the Japanese conquered Guam.  They sent all the men to work camps where most died.  Now all the babies are 1/2 Japanese.  

    It is just the nature of Nature.  No?

  11. 1. People expect girls to conform to a girly-image - not as true for boys

    2. Girls are punished much more severely than boys for displays of aggression

    3. Girls are given more household chores than boys, emphasizing their place in the home:  example:

    In India younger girls work over 5 hours a day in adult household and agricultural tasks, whereas younger boys spend only 1.8 hours on such tasks.

    4. Because girls are more useful in the home, they are less liely to go to school for as long as boys or even at all.

    5.Medical and anthropological research in the developing countries has proved that girls are less cared and less nourished than boys.

    6.  They don't have the same leadership opportunities:

    •85% of societies have only males leaders and on the rest, women are severely outnumbered.

    •Women legislators around the world make up 10% of legislators.

    •In 87% of societies, women never go to war.

    Here is an article about obstacles for young girls:

  12. treffy is right! we men are restricted by conventional gender roles,now not only we can't be teachers by we can't babysit and we can't wear long hair.

    if you are a femenist you will end up in the lake of fire.

  13. Women loose a lot of charm when they show their aggressive, competitive nature.

    Women dress very attractively.

    They even try to turn men on.

    Some men resent this, they feel powerless around you. If they do make a pass, they can get in trouble, so they just want you out of there.

    Their wife is home with their kids, why aren't you home with your kids?

  14. I don't necessarily think they are, really.  It depends on what you're looking at.

    Maybe women have been more restricted in the workforce in the past. . . but what about if the guy wants to be a house-husband and have his wife work because he likes taking care of the house and perhaps kids?  Lots of people *still* think that's funny.

    Also, there are a bunch of careers out there that are women-dominated.  Is a guy still going to get laughed at. . . or presumed maybe g*y or a pedophile. . . sometimes by friends/family/society for wanting to do one of those jobs?  Maybe he's a perfectly normal guy who just finds whatever kind of work we're talking about very rewarding.

    My answer is that both men *and* women are restricted by gender roles.  While it's great that women are starting to get established as a "normal" part of some traditionally-male jobs. . . what about the men who are trying to do the opposite?

  15. Bearers of the next generation of taxpayers.

  16. I would say quite the opposite actually. Perhaps you might want to rephrase your question as, 'Can you guys give me some reasons why females MIGHT BE more restricted by conventional gender roles than males'. This doesn't start off from the premise that females definitely are more restricted by gender roles and allows more room for discussion.

    Three reasons females MIGHT BE more restricted by conventional gender roles:

    Women who want children need to have the kids themselves, unless they hire a surrogate. They are also still seen as the primary caregiver.

    In some immigrant communities, women may be less educated and have a lesser grasp of English, meaning they are more dependent upon a culture where women are seen as second class citizens.

    Women are expected to make more of an effort to dress up for special occasions.

    Again I would say that women - at least in Western societies -are LESS restricted by gender roles than men. It's probably less of a stigma for a woman to have a career and no family than for a man to give up work and look after his kids, for example. I think men should be encouraged to break out of traditional gender roles, and lots of them would be much happier for it :-)

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