
Can you guys help me make my speech for our student council election?....can you give pointers? ...?

by  |  earlier

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....oh and any interesting introductions??

help me out pls.!

....thankss.! ...god bless ya!

oh and im running for vice president.!




  1. My fellow students in deciding to run for office I open you up to me, my strength and my weaknesses laid bare to you. All I can say is I will do the best job representing you my fellow students for I run for office not for myself but for you so that you get the best out of student government that you deserve

    and no illegals LOL thats a joke feel free not to use it

    take it easy

    best of luck

  2. Just be honest about why this is important to you and don't make promises you can't keep.

  3. Fellow students, i wont promise what i can't fulfill coz my word is my bone. But i leave u to ur good judgement of who can get ur wishes through with what is at hand.........

       Good luck dear

  4. Good afternoon (morning) everyone.

    Over the next several days each class will be electing student council members. During this time you are urged to participate in making good decisions on who you want to help lead our class.

    (By the way, hold the microphone 2-3" away from your mouth and talk almost slow and be clear to not run your words together.)

    To me this is an opportunity to represent our class in making decisions based on your input.

    - Briefly explain your goals

    Thank everyone for attending the speech/debate and thank the Teachers for teaching you well enough to feel confident in participating in the student council election.


    Good luck!

    PS. If you happen to be inclined to becoming nervous in front of people - don't worry about it. Most students will not see that as a deal breaker at all. Likewise talk slower, clearer as I said; because as it is you'll possibly be hyped up and forget or not get your point across. Take your time!!

    If it's helpful, I've never been nervous behind a microphone speaking... lol

  5. To serve the interests of the studentry!

    Vote for Rouge as Vice President!

  6. Answer the question, why do you want to be Vice President?

    What strengths and abilities do you bring to the position?

    How will you be an advocate for your class?

    Do you work well with others?

    What makes you different from the other candidates?

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