
Can you guys please give me some advice on my Yu-Gi-Oh deck!?

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Jinzo x2

Drillroid x2

Treeborn Frog

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x2

Snipe Hunter



Hydrogeddon x3

Exiled Force x2

Cyber Dragon x2

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

Elemental Hero Wildheart

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Spell Cards-12


Swords of Revealing Light(I am trying to get another Shrink to replace it)


Premature Burial

Monster Reborn

Smashing Ground

Mystical Space Typhoon

Reinforcement of the Army x2

Enemy Controller

Heavy Storm

Brain Control


Sakuretsu Armor x2

Forced Back

Trap Dustshoot

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Torrential Tribute

Dust Tornado x2

Thats a total of 41 cards ^.^

Thank you for your help!




  1. Is this supposed to be 1/2 a monarch deck?

    Because if it is.... it is VERY weak.

    Exiled Force is LIMITED take 1 out.

    Bad deck..... no chance of you winning any tourneys, your monster destruction is very bad.

    Who plays a monarch without zaborg, caius and raiza?

    And it is also weak, you're unable to manipulate the enemy field with this stack of cards.

    There's no plan here, as there's no high lvled monsters and NOT enough lvl 5-6 monarchs for treeborn to actually work.

    2/10. ZZ really.... you need to start over.

  2. Drop dekochi and forced back, keep the swords and get another shrink.

  3. Its actually a very good deck 9/10. as for replacing swords with shrink, I would suggest you keep swords, its a very good defense when you don't have nothing else, and it gives you time to get a more powerful card out.. I say leave it how it is.....Peace

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