
Can you guys please tell me more about Libra's? =)?

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Can you guys please tell me more about Libra's? =)?




  1. libra are very flirty humorous and cool to be around with

    there very cute by the way

  2. Sun in Libra

    You walk the path of the graceful artist as the urge to shine and harness creative vision is expressed through the archetype of the lover, peacemaker, and diplomat.  The shape of your polite charisma and elegant influence is defined by your ability to activate social awareness, initiate artistic ideas, create cooperative thoughts, express judicious concepts, and illuminate strategic knowledge.  It is through the archetype of the charming host that you realize your creative potential and core identity, putting others at ease with your harmonious nature.  The element of air is your spiritual fuel, motivating you to socialize, communicate, and live through the vibrant life of the mind.

    The Sun is in its fall in Libra, the pivotal balance point of the year.  There’s a reason Moses, inspired by eternal being, told the Hebrews to celebrate their Feast of Tabernacles during the new Moon in Libra.  Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac and seven is the number of divine love.  So the celebration was a renewal of their relationship with eternal being.  You can recharge your life force through artistic expression, love, mental stimulation, parties and social engagements, and all activities involving the creation of beauty or harmony, such as decoration or law.  After the hard work and detail-orientation of Virgo, Libra emerges to invite people into love and intimacy.

                Wholeness emerges in your life when you integrate the opposite sign of Aries into your accommodating nature.  The people-pleasing Artist who inspires harmony and an atmosphere of trust must become the brave, decisive warrior.  Then a society that goes beyond polite superficial interchanges evolves and people become warrior artist, knowing how to balance their fire.  The spiritual principle of Libra is intimate balance.  You are challenged to transmute indecisiveness and vanity into social grace and artistic expression.  Your self-realization involves diplomatic tact and the initiation of harmonic relationships.

               Venus takes on extra significance in your chart as it disposits (governs) any planets in Libra.  Therefore, the chart position of Venus is vital to your creativity, spiritual recharge, and self-realization.  It will also add qualities to the field of your charisma based on its sign, house, and aspects.  Your highest purpose involves being a source of social grace, justice, and cooperation in people’s lives.  Relationship is essential for your creative purpose as Libra governs marriage and unions of all kinds.  In order to create the love that your life pattern requires, you must cultivate faith in the images that reside in your heart.

                When you become aware of your shadow you can transmute it into light, turning weaknesses into strengths.  The shadow of Libra includes indecisiveness, people pleasing, approval-seeking, indulgence, passive aggressiveness, and inconsistency.  

    With the strategic planning and sense of fairness that Venus confers as your guide you are called to create concepts to improve the social fabric.

  3. They are fun-loving people. Very flirtatious and outside of a relationship but they are still loyal. Go to Libra wikipedia.

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