
Can you guys save me one more time?

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Since I was little I always heard stories about how great my dad was in Sports. In Basketball he shoot from the timeline for the gamewinner or in Football he'd score 4 touchdowns in the first quarter. He never really did become a pro but he swore to live his dream thorough his kids. I'm his oldest but things are going well 4 me. My little brother however is turning into the athlete my dad once was. And my dad always has this proud look on his face whenever my brother does something great, then he looks @ me, sighs, and walks away. And as far as I can rememebr I never recieved that look from him. All his friend's sons are becoming great athletes and being recruited while im still struggling to make the team. So I decided to choose one sport and see how far I could go. Unfortunately the sport I gave up was football and my dad's look @ me has gotten colder & colder. I desperately want him to feel proud like he does with my brother or his friend's sons with me but i dont know how. Help me.




  1. I think Jonathan Moxon said it best in Varisty Blues, "I DON'T WANT YOUR LIFE." Live your life through you're own life. Don't waster your time trying to succeed others expectations if it's not something you want. Why give up football if you like playing just to focus on one sport? I was a three sport athlete all throughout high school. My dad played volleyball back in the 70's and was All-Conference. They didn't offer volleyball when I was in school, but I sure the heck wasn't going to transfer to another school to play it just because my dad did. As long as you succeed in your own mind, than nothing else matters.

  2. You shouldn't put yourself down just because you don't become what your dad wanted you to be. This is your life, not his, so make the best of it. Just find the sport you like to play, even if it's something he doesn't approve or like. You shouldn't try to find acceptance from your father, but you do need to find it from yourself. If your father doesn't accept you for who you are, then he is very selfish. (I apologize, but a father shouldn't shun his child just because his child doesn't fill his dreams.)

  3. This is a tough one.  You are going to have to talk to your dad about how he hurt you.  Tell him that you need his support and approval.  Tell him that all you really want is to be treated like your brother.  

    For most part you should play the sport for yourself.  I know it's easier said then done.  You need to tell him all the things he did to hurt you.  If he doesn't want to listen find a way to make him listen.  Go talk to a guidance counselor at your school or community and seek their help to get your dad to listen.  

    Maybe he doesn't realize what he is doing.  By bringing it to his attention, it may help him realize it and change.  I know it's a long shot and will take a lot of work but don't give up.  You must try otherwise you will go through your whole life feeling angry at your dad and the rest of the world.

    Good luck to you.

  4. this could be very painful inside. are you a real son of your father? if you are a biological son that's good. maybe you are not built to sport. try something that you could excel. and your father must be proud of you, eventually. dont force yourself to something just to make other proud of you even you dont like it. do what you want. other will be proud of you in your field.

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