
Can you guys tell me which tree absorbs oxygen and emit carbon di oxide during day time?

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Can you guys tell me which tree absorbs oxygen and emit carbon di oxide during day time?




  1. ive always thought all trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide and produc oxygen during photosynthesis.

    ive never heard of a plant doing the opposite.

    or ur being funny?? i cnt tell

  2. All plants absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide as part of normal cellular respiration.

    On top of that there is photorespiration, competition for the photosynthesis enzyme Rubisco by a respiratory pathway, which produces CO2. This occurs in the majority of plants and wastes some of the potential photosynthetic reactions.

    Plants that use the C4 photosynthetic pathway have suppressed photorespiration.

  3. none

    they absorb CO2 and use it for photosynthesis

    they give out oxgyen as a waste product

  4. I don't think any do. They all use some of the oxygen they produce in resperation though.  and they may acidentaly emit some of the co2 they aborb x

  5. Ok, they all do to some extent.  Plants respire just like any other living organism.  That means that they do expel CO2, just like we do.  Now, most plants produce more O2 than CO2 during the day, but not all.  Some old trees are actually producing more CO2 than they take in.  Plants do take in O2 as well, it comes in with the CO2 through the pores in the leaves whether plants want it or not.  

    There aren't any plants that photosynthesize during the night though- at least none that I am aware of...

  6. I have been taught in biology lessons that all (or was that most) plants "breathe" at night, i.e. use oxygen and emit carbondioxide. Not as much as the other way round but it does happen (that's why they used to remove the flowers from hospital rooms for the night). Don't know about whether they do it to some extent during the day as well...

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