
Can you handle hearing the truth not just what was manufactured by some hate group?

by  |  earlier

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The other "sources edited the remarks Listen to the man directly before you act out of ignorance




  1. What he said in that first broadcast was indeed extremly offensive, and very provocative. If I was listening that day, believe me, I'd have been on the phone in a heartbeat! That was his point though, to be PROVOCATIVE and start a discussion. Really, there is some truth the message about over diagnosing and over medicating. Apparently it's a dirty little secret that no one wants to talk about and he was trying to stir the sacred pot. I really urge you to check out his website to see why he wanted to start the discussion he did.

    Maybe it's all backpeddling, or maybe it's really what he thinks. Still, the bigger discussion about misdiagnosing, and spreading too few resources among children who don't really have autism should be had.

    I do have on my flame suit (just in case ;^). I'm not trying to offend anyone, I find the discussion facinating, especially since only the one sound byte is all that's being shared in the general media. I haven't seen one bit of mainstream coverage of the question of over diagnosing or over medicating, just bash bash bash (and yes he does deserve a good bashing for that offensive tirade)

  2. his style throws everybody off I love it because it is true straight talk . listen to what he said from HIM it will become clear he was calling attention to the scams going on . he was no denegrating truly sick kids. Dr Savage is a truly gifted and intellegent man , even if a little abrasive . he did no harm and i suspect the protesters where all paid big Pharma people, teachers union and quack doctors.

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