
Can you have Energy without Matter?

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Can you have Energy without Matter?




  1. yes you can imagine having a beam of photons with no matter

  2. yes. but it cant be the other way around. the second poster is wrong, and he should just leave. EVERYTHING is energy. there is no matter and energy, there is just energy.

    so yes, you can have energy without matter. but no, you cant have matter without energy.

  3. This is indeed a curious question. Theoretically it is possible to have energy without matter, however you can't measure the pure energy unless you have a measuring instrument...which has matter!!!

    So, it is a catch 22 situation. Similarly, you can't have pure matter unless you have an instrument which consumes energy!!

  4. sometimes the scientific comunity says there is no matter because the amount of matter is so small i.e plasma has like.00000000000000000000000000000000000... micro gams of matter   hope this helps

  5. Most of the energy in the universe is independent of matter - that is, most of the particles in the universe (like photons) have energy but no mass.

    In fact, it is not conclusively know why some particles have mass at all. The standard theory is that there is  field (called the Higgs field) responsible for mass, and particles obtain mass by interacting with it. The vector of this interaction is the Higgs boson, and it is one of the particles being sought by the new experiments with th LHC at CERN.

  6. in a given system (isolated) there is a fixed amount of matter and fixed amount of energy...both can be converted into eachother through various processes (ideal process) and is given by E=mc^2

    so in a system, its either all energy, all mass or both...

  7. yes, its called heat.

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