
Can you have Past life dreams........?

by  |  earlier

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and have 'future life?' ones too......I'll explain...

It doesn't make sense I've had both...

In my past life dreams, I'm a male soldier in each of the first and second world wars getting attacked by bombers, air raids etc..

Then in another future dreams I am traveling through the universe but I am not me. It feels like a long long time into the future too. The dreams are too real, scary and vivid. I can't describe some of the future sights I see because well they are...indescribable...all sorts of new technologies...but I'm not scared during the dream. Just when i wake up...

I've had them since I was young. I wonder if I'm actually travelling in a way with the future ones? :/




  1. I am not sure about the future dreams, but the dreams of being a soldier etc.. could mean past lives.  Have you thought of going to see someone about past life regression?  It can be really informative.  I would love to but I know I am not that psychic.  To find out more about all this visit Sylvia Brownes website.  She is THE BEST!!!  She has books about past lives as well.  Good luck its neat stuff.

  2. i believe you can have both past and future dreams.  i know alot of people dont but i think you can.

  3. I have no clue in this world of tiny insects,dirt,trees,minerals,solids, liquids,pens and pencils, dogs and cats, oceans and cities, people and places, even your own desk and chair you are sitting on now(unless its a laptop. As the reason of life has been thought of for many features across borders and other yip yip troggs about for I am KIP KIP!!!!!!

  4. Yes you can. It may be something you could check out. Try a regression through a hypnotist.

  5. You could be experiencing astral projection. . .both to the past and future.  You should write everything down, keep a journal, someday you may want to write about it. . .Also you may want to contact a group in your area dealing with the paranormal. They will be able to explain things so waking up won't be so scary.

  6. I had dreams like these aswell i think you could be travelling but only in your dreams.

  7. Are you open-minded to the possibility these are just dreams like any others?

    There is no evidence to suggest a distinct non-corporeal entity survives death.  Neither is there any evidence in support of reincarnation.

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