
Can you have a Break in car insurance with out losing no claims bonus?

by  |  earlier

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I have had problems with my car and may go without a car for a few months in order to save up and get something better.

My insurance is up for renewal in September but I am looking at waiting until Jan to get a car.

If I do not renew my car insurance and have a break until Jan will I lose my 4 year no claims bonus?

Is there anyway I can carry it over after a break?




  1. I would like to recommend you possess as much information as you can before taking action,here is a good place for that purpose.

  2. As long as you have proof of no claims from your old insurer then you keep it for up to two years.

    Did this myself a couple of years ago.

    Four years is a long time to let go by the wayside, make sure you don't miss out.

  3. This is no problem - If you let your insurance lapse, just ask your insurer for proof of no claims, which they'll send in writing.

    You'll then have it if you're asked (But they never bother asking in my experience)

  4. shaunydub, I recommend an online insurance quote. It's free and generally hassle free.

    Good Luck!

  5. The majority of companies will allow a maximum of 12 calender months, a very small minority will allow longer, but very, very few

  6. yes you can, i have done it a few times but you might have to stay with the company

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