
Can you have a baby on sims 2 pets for ps2?

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Can u like have a baby on sims 2 pets for the ps2?




  1. u CAN have babys on the sims 2 pets I KNOW THIS COZ I HAVE 2 TWINS JACK AND FRED AND WHOEVER SAID IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE I HAVE ALREDY SHON U MY KIDS ON SIMS 2 PETS                                 THATS RITE U SCAMER DUMMYS THAT SAY NO                   THE         SIMS         2          PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO IF U SAY NO     GO F..K URSELF FOR ALL I CARE

  2. i really want to, whats the point of having a family aspiration if you cant have a family? some people say you can and some people say its impossible on sims 2 pets ps2. who is right???!!!! how hard would it have been for the company to add it on to the game?! it would save a lot of frustration.

    this is really starting to bug me now!  

  3. @Guest3455

    All things thay you say is false. Cheats are available. Kids are available. Alien abductions are available, but nothing happens (ex: getting pregnant and borns an alien baby).

  4. Its true ^^^ as much as i wish it wasnt it is. no kids for ps2. you can on the pc but no. all they do in bed is talk and read even when they are 100 social and married. thats it only the pets can have puppys. o and this swing ive heard of where do u get it?

  5. why cant you have kids !!!!!!!!!!   it was the best part of the game!!!!!!!!!!!!    ive looked on cheat websites where people have said they have had kids but the cheats dont work!!!!!!!!!!

  6. yes you can it just takes time

  7. && for cheats, visit

  8. you, can have a baby on all sim games.

  9. not sure ? just try dude!{:

  10. yes u can u dummy

  11. ive had one you idiot guest3455 look you put a married couple on the garden swing collect cuddle they may slap but try again once they have cuddled about 3 times about 2 days later on the game relaxs them both in bed and bingo she will give birth to as many as twins i got a baby boy then just name it and watch in grow

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