
Can you have a bearded dragon if you have a cat QUICK!!!!?

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Beatded Dragons




  1. yees

  2. haha your dea well ur dragon is dead so keep them apart

  3. Yeah but make sure the bearded dragon's cage is secure. If possible I would get one that locks just in case the cat figures out how to open the screen.

    As long as you don't let the bearded dragon walk around while the cat is out you should be fine.

  4. make sure there is a sturdy screen top and always check to see if you cat has been scraching at the top, or you can always keep the cat out of the room if your not very attached to it, but it should be fine anyway, my cat doesn't eat my goldfish and it would be very easy meal

  5. many, MANY ppl i know have both cats and beardies, both at home, and even in pet stores.  be VERY sure to get a very very secure lid for your tank. instead of a screen top, you may want to invest in one of those wire lids instead of a mesh cover. they are a little more expensive, but cats can't scratch through them, and they will last you a lot longer then a mesh anyways.

    what a lot of ppl find the hardest thing about having cats and lizards together is the whole basking thing... cats like the very warm spot just as much as lizards do, and cats wll often climb ontop of the lizard tanks, to share soak the warmth of the heat lamps. just be sure your cat doesn't burn iself, and that your lamp is securly fastened so the cat doesn't knock off the lamp.  

  6. yeah keep them away from each other

  7. You can as long as you keep the two apart, keep a screen on top of the beardies tank.

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