
Can you have a dog after having a C-SECTION. My wife was told that she could not have one by her mom?

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We have a puppy and she once to get rid of now because of this info. is her mom right?




  1. I just had a c-section and i have a dog. So far no problems. Of course my mom says dogs are germy and we shouldnt have one around the baby. got to love those moms. lol

  2. Why wouldn't you be allowed to have a pet after having a c-section?  Might be hard for her to move around and get up and down with the dog because of her incision, but there is no other reason but that.  If your wife is okay with that, don't get rid of the dog.

  3. Maybe she meant until your wife got better. She might think that the puppy is going to jump on her and hurt the c-section area. Other then that no I had a c-section and we have a puppy.

  4. Unless her mother has a some sort of medical degree or training ignore her.

  5. Why would you not be able to have a dog after having a C-section? That makes no sense at all. What does one have to do with the other?

    Do you mean can a dog have more puppies after having a C-section?

    or can a lady have more babies after having a C-section?

    or could a puppy possibly hurt someone who is recovering from a C-section? Just keep the puppy away from the person until the incision heals.

  6. of course you can have a dog, or bird, or cat, or fish etc. What kind of crazy non-sense is that?!

  7. hmm, i wonder why  her mom thought that,  unless she thought the dog would hurt the incisions by jumpping up, which is what you  will hav eto watch for if it is a large  puppy. it will be very hard for her to get around after her c-section and will prolly need lots of help with  just baby alone, and it is  lots of work to   just  take care of a new born, let alone a puppy in tow as well. unless the puppy is incredibly good, or is a out side dog.  i dont mean to sound preachy.  maybe she tried to get rid of the dog  becasue  she   knows it is alot of work to just take care of a baby, and  that was her excuse to get rid of it. not to place judgement.  either way, i hope every thing works out.

  8. Yes, you can have a dog after a c-section. You just can't lift it or walk it for a while. I have a very excitable cocker spaniel who weights 30 lbs (she's overweight). I had to rely on other people to help me with the dog, but I didn't have to get rid of her. I had my c section almost 14 weeks ago and was able to walk my dog fairly comfortably at 7 weeks.

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