
Can you have a dog decorated with a tatoo?

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A guy that lives 3 doors down the road,has tatooed his dog,he's shaved the left and right side of the poor animal and has had an attacking eagle drawn on it(Both sides!).Can they do that?Has the dog been sedated for that?.....




  1. THAT IS WRONG! i'm not sure if it's legal or not, but none the less, it's still wrong! Report them right away!!!

  2. no, no, no, dont all panic,

    to tatoo the dogs are all the craze now in my town too

    why make so much fuss when people have them too

    they also have dog piercings, and  rings on ears and nose, as do girls,

    if its ok for a young girl its ok for a dog, after all its only a dog, and NO pain is invovled, and its all done by proffessionals.

    But i objected when i saw a dog with no fur at all, and completly tatooed like the owner, i did not dare say anything for my own safety.

    That is goin too far i think,

    you think we can have goldfish tatoood and ringed?

  3. Tattoos on dogs are only permitted as identification and can only be letters and numbers or possibly a small brand depending on your area.  Decorative tattoos are animal abuse.

  4. people do get tattoos for their animals.

    but its really cruel

  5. THAT is CRUEL, id report him cuase its animal creulty, the dog wouldnt have consent to pain ifit can even see it!

  6. Back in the day before locater chips were around, I know my uncle had his hunting dogs tattooed on the inside bottom edge of one ear for identification/location purposes.  It was done by our local country vet and as far as I know, was done safely with only a local anesthetic.

    Never heard of tattooing a dog as a fashion statement and can't think of any reputable vet doing such a thing!

    Is this for real?

  7. Good lord!  What a dreadful thing to do .............................. words fail!  (Registration tattoos apart that is!!)

  8. Report him, that is terrible, the poor dog

  9. I can't imagine that it is allowed anywhere, where would you go to have that done? And if he hasn't gone anywhere to have it done, if he had sedated it, it probably wasn't a safe way to sedate the animal. If it wasn't sedated it would have been extremely painful. Anyway you look at it, it can be classed as animal cruelty.

    I suggest contacting the RPSCA, or whatever equivalent you have in your area, you have the authority to look into how the dog is being treated.

  10. no u should report him for animal abuse

  11. That's ridiculous and cruel but a small tattoo on the inside of the ear is one of the best ways of marking a dog (apart from chipping) so that it can be recognised if its lost or stolen.  

  12. I'd be reporting him for cruelty to animals myself. Who knows what else he's done to that dog.  

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