
Can you have a ferret as a pet in cali. & how are they as pets?

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Can you have a ferret as a pet in cali. & how are they as pets?




  1. No, they are illegal here. That being said, what area are you in? You can message me or email me and I can give you several clubs contacts. As for "how are they as pets," pick up a copy of "Ferrets for Dummies", one of the best ferret books there is, and read it from front to back. Also join one of the ferret clubs in California for a meeting or two and ask to visit somone's home to play with some ferrets before deciding. This is always better than asking questions about them - knowing first hand is the best and if you don't like them, you won't be stuck with them :)

  2. They are illegal in California, but you can apply for a license. If you get one make sure that there is a vet in the area that treats them. It is best to have the stink glad taken out, they also are scavengers and if you leave anything out they will take it. My sisters loves to take her earrings and necklaces. Once they take anything it will take you awhile to find.

  3. Illegal to possess in California unless you have a permit from Fish and Game, but they are generally only issued for educational purposes.  I have never heard of one being approved for a personal pet.  If someone is found with one, they are confiscated and either euthanized or, if the warden is one who really cares about animals, they may be taken over the border to Oregon or Nevada to shelters in the hopes of being adopted out.

  4. I do believe they are illegal in cali. They are great as pets and they dont have to reek. You need to bathe them once or twice a week very gently with ferret shampoo or a good baby shampoo. they are very curious creatures  and  remakable thieves. I would suggest having two, it keeps them busy and is a laugh riot to watch. We have a three tier cage in our bedroom, but they spend quite a bit of time running loose. In order to do this you must make sure you room is ferret proof. no open windows or bits of candy, cough drops or other stuff laying about. The first week we had ours one excaped through a floor vent, it took a while but i was finally able to coax him out. they can be litter box trained ,but its not extremely easy. Some will tell you to feed them catfood, ignore them and go with a high protein ferret food.  However like i said if you are in Cali, this is probably all moot anyway...good luck

  5. They are illegal which is stupid. They are great pets tho!!!

  6. i believe ferrets are illegal in California - I'm pretty sure it's California and New York they are still considered exotics. They can be a lot of fun if you have the time to spend with them. Very curious, energetic critters - but it's true that they reek!

  7. ya.

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