
Can you have a fibral seizure from getting over heated in the hot weather and getting dehydrated?

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My nephew was rushed to the hospital today by ambulance because he had a seizure. He just turned 5. The doctor said that it was a Fibril Seizure that was caused because he became too overheated playing and wasn't drinking enough. I have looked for information on Fibril seizures but have only found info relating to fever not overheating due to hot weather. Does anyone have anymore info regarding this?

The doctor told my brother that my nephew should never spend more than 15 minutes outside in the hot weather and should always wear a hat. Apparently some kids are prone to this condition.




  1. A febrile seizure is a convulsion in small children caused by a sudden spike in body temperature or from infection. If your child has a febrile seizure you have to remain calm and follow these steps:

    Place your child on their side somewhere where they won't fall.

    Stay close to watch and comfort your child.

    Remove any hard or sharp objects that are near or close to your child.

    Loosen any tight or restrictive clothing.

    Don't restrain your child or interfere with your child's movements.

    Don't attempt to put anything in your child's mouth.

    If possible, try to time the seizure using your watch or a clock.Because they are so alarming,seizures often seem that they last longer than they actually do. Also try to note on which part on your child's body goes to shake first, and look for other signs of illness. This can help the doctor to understand the cause of the seizure.

    Risk factors: Young age is the strongest risk factor.About one in 25 children will experience a febrile seizure. Most febrile seizures occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years and are particularly common in toddlers. Children rarely develop their first febrile seizure before the age of 6 months or have them after 3 years of age. Some children inherit a family's tendency to have seizures with a fever.I hope that I helped you as these are scary to see.

  2. I have not heard of that. Both of my children have Febrile Seizures but it is caused by their actual temperature spiking too quickly and sending them into a seizure. I would take him into his regualr physician and ask all these questions to make sure you arent missing anything. Or his mother isnt rather. You can never be too careful.  

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