
Can you have a job whilst being in the country your holidaying/vacating in?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering like if i went to america or something as a holiday/vacation for like 1 year would I be able to have a job? a family member is thinking about doing just this please make the answers sensible and honest. thank u :>




  1. To know more about  


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  2. A Working Visa is required.

  3. Only if you have a work visa for that country.

  4. Absolutely not.  All countries have strict rules against this...including the U.S. and U.K.   U.K. citizens may visit in the U.S. for up to 90 days without a visa under the Visa Waiver Program , or longer if they get a B-2 tourist visa.  However, working is specifically forbidden.  It is specifically forbidden and to come to the U;S. planning to stay one year and work  and  it is visa fraud.  The only way to work in a foreign country is to get a work visa.  See 1st site below to read about that for the U.S.  It is very difficult.

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