
Can you have a muslim name with out legally changeing your real name?

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i need to know




  1. You can ask people to call you anything you like. If you want to be called Mohammad or Mushef or something like that, just ask people to call you that.  

  2. Yes, in California, a close family friend (female Muslim) recently married a non-Muslim, who converted for her.  

    Through a series of ceremonies (most of which I didn't understand the significance of, since I am not Muslim), the husband's name was changed.

    However, he retains his original non-Muslim name in dealings outside of the local Muslim community.

  3. You can have any name you want without legally changing your name, as long as it does not violate state or local law ... like you probably couldn't have the name "f**k you" lol.

    Just go to the county courthouse and file an assumed name certificate.  The cost here in Texas is $5.00

  4. yep I can have everyone call me big bird if I want to. You can have any name you want and not change it legally.  

  5. Only if you use it as a "nickname" and not on any legal contracts or identification.  You need to check the laws of your state.

  6. You can use any alias you wish, providing you don't use said alias for signing legal documents, entering into a contract, or for criminal activity, such as fraud.

    Nicknames aren't illegal, why would this be?

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