
Can you have a pet grass hopper?

by  |  earlier

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i caught a baby today i think he just was born he really small and i caught him and i have a place to put him. Hes in there. Do you think later on he will really be a pet like to trust me like as his like owner?




  1. no

  2. sorry but NO

  3. i guess, but u might step on it by accident

  4. i dont know. i tried to have pet worms and catapillers even crawfish.all died

  5. Oh my gosh!  In the old, old days japanese people kept crickets as pets and they have these old cages at museums.  So, yes.  Do it.  

    Trust wise-  don't put your human emotions on your new friend, just see what happens

  6. We have pet walking stick insects...they are legal where I am..

    sometimes it is not legal to keep ANY wild caught animals

    they cannot be domesticated to trust you and stuff.. but here is a great way to set up a tank for them  if you are gonna

  7. Uhhh no not really, I've tried that like a bajillion times after like a few days they died. And he doesn't really know your his


  8. you can OBSERVE a grasshopper, but you cannot KEEP it

    grasshoppers are not intended for pets and it would be very cruel to keep him because he is meant to live in the wild, not with you,

    also if you keep handling grasshoppers the fine hairs on their underlegs wear off and this causes them not to make their grasshopper sound, if this happens you will of basically killed a grasshopper because a grasshopper that cant rub their legs cant find a mate so it will just die.

    i hope it doesnt come to this and i hope you find it in your heart to let him go home,

    after all,

    you wouldnt like it if some man picked you up and locked you away from your friends and family would you?

    very cruel.

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