
Can you have a pet lynx in bc

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Can you have a pet lynx in bc




  1. Hi Andrew... exotic cats are banned in various parts of British Columbia (B.C.)

    According to a recent ban that was passed in Van., BC no exotics will be allowed to be kept as pets.

    Here's an excerpt from the recent:

    Vancouver City Council passes an exotic animal bylaw

    At last! Vancouver City Council has passed an exotic animal bylaw. The council voted unanimously to ban the keeping of a list of exotic animals and also to prohibit the sale of another, longer list of exotics. The council also voted in principle to ban public performances involving exotic or wild animals.

    VHS, which has been working for an exotics bylaw for many years, has welcomed the council’s decision but is disappointed that more animals, such as primates, iguanas and large lizards, were not banned from being kept. However, it is a good first step and the council has instructed city staff to consider additions to the bylaw in a review that must take place within a year. Councillor Kim Capri, who championed the bylaw, urged city staff to continue to work on improving the bylaw in consultation with animal protection groups.

    Council also approved a recommendation that the mayor write to the Union of B.C. Municipalities to request the creation of a standard municipal list of exotic animals to be banned from sale. This could effectively lead to a province-wide prohibition on the sale of certain exotic species.

    By prohibiting the sale and keeping of a number of exotics, the new bylaw will send an important message to the public that owning these kinds of animals is not socially acceptable.

    It will help decrease demand for exotic pets locally and send a signal to other municipalities that they should be considering similar legislation. VHS will be providing such councils with the information and evidence they need to implement exotics bylaws.

    A ban on exotic animal performances will mean that no Las Vegas style tiger acts (such as one that attempted to appear at Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Theatre in 2005) will be allowed in the city.

    The new Vancouver bylaw will ban people from keeping these animals:

    Snakes: green anaconda, yellow anaconda, reticulated python, African rock python, Burmese python, Indian python, amethyst python


    Crocodilians, including alligators and crocodiles

    All venomous reptiles

    Canids such as wolves, jackals, coyotes and foxes (except domestic dogs)

    FELIDS: such as lions and tigers (except domestic cats)


    Consider joining Phoenix Exotics who are a group of members worldwide that may be more helpful as to where you can safely relocate to Canada with your Lynx:

    We are an organization of active members working to protect and maintain the rights of private ownership through responsible behavior.

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